5 best marketing analytics tools for Ecommerce

Ecommerce marketing analysis can provide you with relevant data on the strengths and weaknesses of your online business, but it can also help you see if your marketing strategy is working or if you need to make some changes. This data is as valuable to an Ecommerce as the products or services offered to customers, but to get to it you will need the right analysis tools. To help you, we have chosen those tools that can provide you with all the information you need. Regardless of your budget or the sector in which you operate, they will be a good solution to improve your digital marketing strategy.

Here are the 5 best marketing analysis tools for eCommerce:

1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the tool that your business needs! It's free and fairly easy to use and, of course, extremely loved by users. It can track and report important values ​​such as product performance, conversions, consumer purchasing, but also information about their behavior and interests. Google Analytics will allow you to create personalized, audience reports, thus managing to better understand both the behavior of current customers and that of potential customers. The tool comes with Google Search Console, and their combination provides detailed values, useful in the decision-making process.

2. Kissmetrics

If you want a more advanced Ecommerce marketing analysis, Kissmetrics is the solution. This is a comprehensive tool that looks at things at the individual level rather than providing an overview of them. The platform covers essential values ​​such as total sales, new visitors, or conversion rate, and advanced segmentation will help you figure out which campaign works and which doesn't, considering the marketing channel used. In addition, detailed reports provide information about the most viewed products, the most popular categories, the percentage of searches that end up making a purchase, and so on. The tool is not free, but its features could be a radical change for your business.


3. Hotjar

Hotjar analyzes those important values ​​that you can translate, later, into concrete actions and valuable insights. It focuses on understanding user behavior and predicting needs to provide the best experience when contacting your business. You can also improve the click-through rate, but also the conversions on the website with the help of the “Heatmap” feature, which shows you which products, categories, or pages get the best impressions. Compared to the rest of the tools, Hotjar also brings survey templates through which customers can give quick feedback, which will help you.

4. Klaviyo

When it comes to eCommerce, we can say that this type of business is closely related to email marketing. The best way to analyze this component of your digital marketing strategy is Klaviyo. This platform automates the segmentation of the audience, follows the opening rate of emails, but also clicks. Moreover, Klaviyo allows you to analyze key values, campaigns, flow or performance, quite easily through an intuitive interface. Thus, you will be able to observe which are the products, but also the texts that work best, and to determine which are the best hours for sending an email marketing campaign.

5. Woopra

For an eCommerce, an abandoned order will always raise some question marks, or at least it should. The causes can be multiple, but these include discouraging prices or the multitude of steps a user must follow before they can complete an order. Whatever the cause, Woopra will help you identify it. Woopra is the tool with which you can perform a thorough analysis of orders that are not completed. Among the actions, you can perform through it are: identifying the impact that the way of transport and payment have on abandoned orders or improving the process of completing an order. By accepting the help provided by Woopra you will be able to reduce the number of abandoned orders, respectively increase the number of completed ones.

Now that you know which are the best tools you can use to conduct an eCommerce marketing analysis, all you have to do is use them to get the best performance. These will help you notice which things need improvement, but also which ones work, to continuously improve your strategy. If you need help, do not hesitate to turn to marketing agency, which will be able to give you the guidance you need!